- Please write a clear description of what services you have been providing
- What are the logistics of your support (days/times/how often, any travel/kms usage, etc)
- How are you ensuring that the participant is actively participating in the support?
- How are you ensuring that opportunities are being created for the participant to build their own capacity in relation to the support objectives?
- Do you assist the participant to undertake activities, so as to facilitate their social and economic participation?
- How is the support effective and beneficial for the participant?
- How will the support improve the participant’s functional capacity, or how will any functional improvements be measured?
- How is the support related to the functional impairment of the participant?
- Please state any specific NDIS goal/s you are focusing on during service delivery
- What evidence is there to show the supports provided are working towards achieving the NDIS goal?
- If the goal is being achieved/has been achieved: how has the participant benefitted from this as a result? What is the justification for services to continue?
- If goal is not yet achieved, or still in progress, please provide justification as to why, in addition to how your organisation will be adjusting supports (if appropriate) to ensure goals are tracking well during their next NDIS plan
- Does the funding or provision of the support take into account what is
reasonable to expect families, carers, informal networks and the community to
- Is the support most appropriately funded by the NDIS? Could this support be
delivered by a different funding stream (Medicare, education, aged care). If not,
- What are the potential risks if funding was to be insufficient in the next plan
to continue to access these services?
- If NDIS funding is not secured, how will goals be achieved otherwise?
- Have services been put on hold for an extended period of time? If so, how long?
- Was there an increase or decrease in service delivery as a result of COVID19? Please detail.
- How did this affect the participant?
- Have you discussed services and support with your participant?
- What services/supports have been discussed and agreed upon?
- Do you have any recommendations for additional support?
- What is the evidence and justification to support recommendations (i.e., what goals will be worked on and how will it be of benefit, justification of frequency)
- What is the plan for services/supports to include a capacity-building approach (i.e., work towards building skills and capacity to achieve this goal with