Frederick Warwick Smith – Visit Summary – Daily Report

Frederick Warwick Smith – Visit Summary – Daily Report

DD slash MM slash YYYY
1A. Was the client home for visit?(Required)
2A. Were all activities completed as per service plan?(Required)
3A. Did you remain for the whole service?(Required)
4A. Did client request any changes to service?(Required)
5A. Were there any changes to clients health?(Required)
6A. Were there any changes to client's appearance?(Required)
7A. Were there any behavioral changes?(Required)
8A. Are there any concerns with the client?(Required)
9A. Are there any WH&S concerns?(Required)
Were there any incidents? (Client or staff-related)(Required)
Time of scheduled vist start time(Required)
Did Fred have a fall?(Required)
Did Fred have a 'near miss' fall?(Required)
Did Fred have an incontinent episode?(Required)
Please choose which number describes Fred's fatigue today with 0 being worst and 10 being normal(Required)
Please indicate what Fred's present pain intensity is right now(Required)
It is a common occurrence that Fred’s Blood Pressure is high and commonly presents with dizziness/feeling faint. Personal care (showers), getting in/out of bed causes Fred’s blood pressure to peak. Once tested, retest again in 30mins – it usually goes down. If it has not lowered in the first 30 mins, wait another 30 mins and retest again. If remains high, an ambulance needs to be called.
Blood glucose readings are taken at mealtimes prior to eating (breakfast, lunch, and dinner). Fred is diabetic. A reading of 10 is too high and Fred is supposed to administer insulin at this level. If Fred refuses insulin, please check again in another 30 minutes. If it has not lowered in the first 30 minutes, please test again in the second 30 minutes. If Fred’s levels haven’t lowered, an ambulance needs to be called.